Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Thinking Out Loud About...The Method

Warning: this blog is going to sound Pharisaical.  I'm trying my best to stay away from legalism, but I'm concerned about the methods by which the Gospel is being delivered.  John 6:2, "And a large crowd was following him, because they saw the signs that he was doing on the sick."  That's a sad commentary.  Here was the Son of God, and the people were more excited about the miracles that he was doing. 

The Church has become a mall.  It's a place we go for goods and services.  We look for the thing we need most at whatever stage in life we find ourselves.  If we have children, we look for the best children's ministry, or if we have teens, we look for the best youth ministry.  Millennial Generation is looking for relationship.  We are a culture without fathers and mothers.  I'm finding, in my church, that Millennials are responding to the Church's availability of loving adults. 

Jesus said, "By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another."  Where is our commitment to loving one another?  Love requires relationship.  If we're not together, then how can we truly demonstrate love?  And, let's be honest, on most Sundays, we're sitting next to strangers.  We're herded in like cattle (maybe some of us are "chreasters" - those who only attend church on Christmas and Easter), and shuffled out in less than sixty minutes. 

A mega church pastor got himself in trouble for calling people who attend small churches selfish, because his church provided the exciting programs that hold the attention of children and youth.  Sadly, statistics are bearing out a different story.  We're losing 80% of our youth when they graduate and attend college.  The size of the church doesn't matter.  What I think children and youth need is the love of caring adults.  They get enough media throughout the week; they need interaction with real flesh and blood people on Sundays. 

The goal of many church services is to evoke a certain feeling.  But we all know that feelings can't be trusted.  What we need is the faithful truth of God's Word to carry us through those times when our feelings fail us.  What inspires us to worship when we don't feel like it?  What will help us make it when we don't feel God is there?  What helps us endure through difficult times?  There's nothing wrong with feelings; feelings were created by God.  But with all of the Bible's dedication to letting us know who we are in Christ, the spiritual gifts we have been given, and all that Jesus has done for us, why do we settle for something that is less than?  

 Thinking Out Loud Podcast The Method

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