Saturday, November 3, 2018

Thinking Out Loud About Discernment

Biblical discernment is being able to tell what is of God and what is not of God.  The Word gives us the truth we need to be able to discern what is and is not of God.  The opposite of truth is lies.  Satan is the father of lies.  He cannot do anything but lie.  He lies, because he cannot create anything.  He can only counterfeit.  So, he takes what God has created and distorts it. 

Almost all of the New Testament writers warned that there would be a time of great deception would come upon the Church.  If it was mentioned that often, why doesn't the Church stay on guard?  Because we love the provocative.  Because we love to hear pleasing messages.  We want to be wealthy, safe, and happy.  But the Bible never promises those things.  Instead, Jesus offered a splintery cross. 

The Church in America is almost entirely without discernment, because there is a drought of the Word of God.  A Church without discernment is vulnerable to the lies of our enemy.  People are herded in and out of Church as fast as possible.  There is no time to adequately break down a passage from the Bible.  There is the belief that people will feel uncomfortable if they don't know where to find a book or verse.  Messages are short and peppered with movie clips and humorous stories, because it would be horrific if people were bored.  

But I say, the Bible is the most exciting book ever written.  The only reason a person might be bored is because they have no true interest in the things of God, or the pastor is lazy.  It is the greatest story ever told.  It is a miraculous story.  It is a supernatural story.  Every verse is dripping with truth, truth that will lead us to freedom.  The Church needs an explosion of biblical truth to get us back on track, the track of discernment.  

Thinking Out Loud Podcast Discernment

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